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Mt Pleasant Mi Library Public Library

Mount Pleasant's first library was organized on March 15, 1879. It was known as the Library, Literary, and Musical Association of Mount Pleasant and housed wherever there was an available space. Being an association, its materials were only available to its members. After most of the books were destroyed in a fire in 1895, the Library, Literary, and Musical Association faded away. In 1909, the Mt. Pleasant Woman's Club supported a movement to establish a public library in Mount Pleasant. The library opened on March 19, 1910. Within a few short years, the library had outgrown the building and relocated to the First Congregational Society of the City of Mount Pleasant on the southeast corner of Illinois Street and Normal Avenue (now University Avenue). Veterans Memorial Library remains in this location. In 1953, plans for financing and construction of a new library building were studied by community leaders. The new library building was constructed and opened in April 1957. Not only was there a new building, but a new name as well. On May 24, 1957, the library was dedicated to Mount Pleasant's veterans of all wars - Veterans Memorial Library. By 1974 the library was already running into space limitations and as the community continued to grow, so did the demand for library services. After years of exploring multiple possibilities, voters approved a $1.2 million bond in June of 1983 to expand the Veterans Memorial Library into the building used today. The building expansion was completed in 1985.

mt pleasant mi library public library

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In 2010, Veterans Memorial Library was renovated using funds from the library's millage and support of many generous donors. The renovation included new lights, HVAC systems, computer networking, paint, and carpeting as well as rearranging the layout of the building to better accommodate patron needs.

A 1905 image of our first library building is from the Pleasantville Postcards Collection in the MPPL Digital Archive, which brings together over 40 years of historic newspapers and three postcard image collections (over 200 images).

The Media Center contains a complete library with over 15,000 books and reference materials and available Windows PCs and Chromebooks. Fiction, non-fiction, biography, and reference books are available. Audio books may be checked out by 7-12th grade students. All textbooks and classroom novels are also checked out to students through the media center.

In addition to our library inventory, books may also be requested through MeLCat. MeLCat is the Michigan Electronic Library Catalog. Books which we do not own may be requested from over 400 participating libraries across Michigan and delivered to our school. Received books are temporarily cataloged in our system and can then be checked out to the person who requested the book. Please see the Michigan eLibrary link for more information.

Third through sixth grade students are allowed to check out two items from the elementary library or the biography section. Fifth and sixth grade students with parental permission may borrow secondary books as well.

Seventh through twelfth grade students are allowed to check out three items (only one may be a magazine) from any part of the library. Textbooks and classroom required books are not included in the count.

The media center is open for use from 7:50 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Teachers may reserve all or part of the media center by signing out their class on the scheduling chart in the library. Students and staff should view the scheduling chart or speak with the media center aide to check availability of the room(s) when planning a group visit.

Charles V. Park Library is the main library of Central Michigan University, named after librarian Charles V. Park. It is located in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. The Clarke Historical Library is located within the library as well.

The library was built in 1968 and opened to students in 1969. The 173,500-square-foot (16,120 m2) structure was about three times as large as the former library located in Ronan Hall and cost $4.2 million to erect. As the building of the library was helped by a federal grant, the original cornerstone of the library contained Richard Nixon's inaugural address and a report on the war in Vietnam written by Secretary of State Dean Rusk.

The library was expanded and renovated at a cost of $50 million and reopened to the public in 2002. Architects for the expansion project were URS, Inc. and Indianapolis-based Woollen, Molzan and Partners.[1]

The Global Campus Library Services (GCLS) department at Central Michigan University is one of the oldest, continuously running programs of its kind in the United States. Established in 1976 in collaboration with the Central Michigan University Libraries, GCLS delivers a full range of library materials and services to students and instructors associated with the university's off-campus programs. GCLS acts as a link between the resources of the Park Library and more than 7,000 CMU students and faculty engaged at 13 remote campuses across the state of Michigan and more than 40 instructional sites across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. A growing number of online courses are also served by the department. Services offered include reference assistance via telephone, web form, email, and chat software as well as online and face-to-face instructional presentations by GCLS librarians, electronic document delivery of requested materials from CMU's collections and beyond, and assistance obtaining copyright clearance for faculty teaching in off-campus programs.

GCLS provides leadership in the field of distance library services by organizing and hosting a biennial conference devoted to the topic of distance library services. Since 1982, the Distance Library Services Conference has been held as a way promote communication and learning among librarians, educators, and administrators who are committed to providing library services for academic programs offered and students enrolled beyond their campuses and online. Participants discuss, study, demonstrate, and champion the technology, techniques, and theories of distance librarianship. Through published proceedings this information is made available to all who have an interest in this field. This conference has been held in Memphis, Tennessee (2012), Cleveland, Ohio (2010), Salt Lake City, Utah (2008), Savannah, Georgia (2006), Carefree, Arizona (2004); Cincinnati, Ohio (2002); Portland, Oregon (2000); Providence, Rhode Island (1998); San Diego, California (1995); Kansas City, Missouri (1993); Albuquerque, New Mexico (1991); Charleston, South Carolina (1988); Reno, Nevada (1986); Knoxville, Tennessee (1985); and St. Louis, Missouri (1982).

New Orleans Public Library is situated at 219 Loyola Ave, in the central part of the city if New Orleans, LA, USA. It was established in 1895 and is over 120 years old. In those times the library was hosted by a massive old building, but in the middle of the 20th century the collection was moved to another building. Sadly, the building and the collection suffered certain damage in 2005, when Katrina Hurricane damaged a few branches of the library.

CRDLS serves approximately 51,000 in-district residents, the majority of which are white, employed, and educated. The system has 5 branches and 5 partner libraries, including the local the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Libraries. The first branch, which became the Veterans Memorial Library in Mt. Pleasant, MI, opened in 1910. The Library of Michigan recognized the Chippewa River District Library System as a legally established district library system in 1998.

Project MUSE promotes the creation and dissemination of essential humanities and social science resources through collaboration with libraries, publishers, and scholars worldwide. Forged from a partnership between a university press and a library, Project MUSE is a trusted part of the academic and scholarly community it serves.

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